Love Your Life Find your flow, Deeper Connections, Abundance, Joy
Are you ready to Love Your Life?!  

Find your flow, Deepen your Connections
& Experience more Abundance, Magic & Joy!

In this exclusive Magic 9 Month Coaching Group you will:

💜 Find your flow and your Divinely Aligned Path
💜 Create a deeper connection with yourself, your Spiritual Guides & your tribe
💜 Experience more Love, Abundance, Joy, Harmony & Magic in your life
💜 Create an environment that energetically supports what you want to be, do & have

Do you ever FEEL...
• Disconnected with your life, yourself & others 
• Unable to focus, feel scattered, or have trouble completing things
• Stuck, in a rut, like every day is the same…in your job, your life, your relationships
• Tired of surface conversations or idle chit chat

Do you NEED...
• A plan, to know where you’re headed, a vision for your life moving forward
• To feel part of the bigger whole, to see your place in the universe, where you fit
• To have a purpose, a reason for being here, for waking up in the morning
• Clarity, to be able to focus & take action on your nudges
• To make progress, to move forward
• A change!
• To make a difference, to feel like you matter (To be heard, seen, felt & loved)

If you WANT...
• A life that is fulfilling, fun & purposeful
To be excited to wake up every morning  
• Motivation to take action and to do those things you’re guided to do
• Deeper Connection with your body, your purpose, your angels, guides & others 
• To create and live your dream life  

Then, JOIN the Love Your Life Group! 

Your Love Your Life Group Coaching includes:

• Group sessions on the topic of the month (program runs March – November)
• New Meditation monthly
• Monthly Channeled Guidance
• Monthly Focus topics related to Feng Shui, Energy & Intuition
• Expert Feng Shui Bagua map of your home with basic floor plan analysis
• Private Facebook Group to share & support one another
• Private Online Trello Board with reference documents
• Monthly surveys to affirm your insights & share your challenges
PLUS 😇 Regular energetic tune ups by the Angels!

3 Level Options to choose from: 

Package A – Group Magic Magnification
Group coaching & creating deep connections with others for 9 months 
Join now!  $3,500 value only $111/month x 9 months
Choose the Full Pay Option of $888 (saves $111)

Package B - BEST of Both Worlds
Group + Private Coaching! (NOTE: space is limited to 9 private coaching clients)
Includes all the group juicy goodness PLUS 9 monthly Private 60 min coaching sessions
Join now!  $5,500 value only $433/month x 9 months
Choose the Full Pay Option of $3,777 (saves $119)

Package C – Ultimate Life-Changer
Group + Private Coaching
PLUS a life-changing retreat experience with the angels and me on Maui (or another retreat destination, as available)
Join now! $9,000 value only $844/month x 9 months
Choose the Full Pay Option of $7,333 (saves $263)

Not sure if this program is right for you?
  Schedule a Virtual Coffee Chat! 


Intro – Self-Care, Feng Shui Basics & Logistics of Course
 Welcome message
 How to get the most out of the program
 Feng Shui basics & the Feng Shui Bagua explained
 Self-Care Practices & Checklist
 Become familiar with Trello
 Join private Facebook group
 BONUS Channeled Guidance – You Are Worthy of What You Want

Each trimester will have a new focus & the months are structured as follows:

Week 1 – Story that connects with our monthly topic
+ Meditation to help you engage with the topic
Week 2 – Group Session + a practice to help you Spread Your Wings
Week 3 – Channeled guidance audio
Week 4 – Feng Shui action to help you shift your environment to support your dreams

1st Trimester – Creating Connection

Month 1 – How on Earth Did I Get Here?
Month 2 – Seeing Angels & Feeling Energy
Month 3 – Messages from your Spiritual Team & Your Home

2nd Trimester – Letting Go
Month 4 – Finding Your Fiji  
Month 5 – The Bumpy Road to Surrender  
Month 6 – Taking Actions on Faith  

3rd Trimester – Increasing Abundance

Month 7 – Landing in Paradise  
Month 8 – Creepy Crawly Fears  
Month 9 – Letting Go of Attachment  
BONUS Channeled Guidance – Coming Home To Who You Really Are  

JOIN the Love Your Life Group! 

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