Congratulations on making the decision to be guided by the Angels for the next year! 

The Angels' guidance gives you the perfect nudge to do those things you came here to do!
  • To navigate your relationships and live in joy with others

  • To follow your heart and do the things that light you up

  • To work with your money in a way that is positive and uplifting,
    where you feel safe & supported & can buy and do the things
    that bring you JOY.

  • To feel vibrantly healthy in your physical body, to appreciate it
    and how it works together with your mind and your soul to
    guide you on the path to your Destiny, the life you came here to live!

Watch for an Email with the link to your Monthly Forecast for the Year.
Your reading will be recorded for you to download and keep for easy access throughout the year.
These readings are quite extensive so please be patient and allow up to 7 days to receive your reading in your Email inbox.

You will need to confirm that you that you want to receive email from Finding Your Fiji. Without this, you won't receive the reading link.
If you don't see an email immediately after you confirm, check your spam folder. Make sure to add "" to
your address book so you get the reading in your Inbox.

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